Contributing to Amoro

Thanks for your interest in the Amoro project. Contributions are welcome and are greatly appreciated! Every little effort helps, and a credit will always be given.

This page provides some orientation and resources we have for you to get involved. It also offers recommendations on getting the best results when engaging with the community. We hope that this will be a pleasant first experience for you to return to continue contributing.

Get Involved

In the process of using Amoro, if you have any questions, suggestions, or improvement ideas, you can participate in the Amoro community building through the following suggested channels.

  • Issue Tracker - tracking bugs, ideas, plans, etc.
  • GitHub Discussions - second to mailing list for anything else you want to share or ask
  • Wechat Group - add kllnn999 as a friend on WeChat and specify Amoro lover, you will be invited to join the Amoro WeChat group.

Contributing Guide

See Contributing for more details on how to contribute to Amoro.