Welcome to Amoro

Amoro community is a free, open-source community project. Anyone interested in the Amoro project can join the community and contribute to its development by becoming a part of it.

This document describes the various roles within the community, including the responsibilities of the roles and the criteria for contribution

Roles and Responsibilities

Amoro community is composed of and operated by the following roles:

  • User
  • Contributor
  • Active Contributor
  • Committer
  • PMC


Community users, as defined by Amoro, are those members of the community who have a need for the Amoro project. Either individuals, or businesses.


Everyone who contributes can become an Amoro contributor. The members will provide mentorship and guidance when new contributors need assistance.

How to become a Contributor?

  • 1 merged PR in the this project

Responsibilities and privileges

  • Actively participate in Amoro’s project development
  • Participate in community events (meetups, hackathons, etc.)
  • Learn and help others learn Amoro-related technologies
  • Be listed as an Amoro contributor
  • Be awarded an Amoro Contributor e-certificate

Active Contributor

Active contributors are contributors who have made outstanding contributions and sustained commitment to Amoro. They actively participate in the community by contributing code, improving docs and helping others.

How to become an Active Contributor?

  • Have 2 merged PRs or fixed major bugs
  • Consistently active in the community, Actively participate in community events such as online/offline meetups and community discussions

Responsibilities and privileges

  • Join the community meeting and discussion
  • Mentor and guide new contributors
  • Be listed as an Amoro Active Contributor and featured on the Amoro official website
  • Be awarded an Amoro Active Contributor e-certificate


Committers are promoted from Active Contributors.They have the authority to merge master branches and are responsible for the planning and maintenance of Amoro. They also are active members in sharing their knowledge with the community.

How to become a Committer?

  • Have a deep understanding of Amoro’ principles and future plans
  • Have the ability to deal with various issues that arise in the project promptly
  • Lead a major development, write and revise related documents
  • Receive at least two PMC nominations and pass voting

Responsibilities and privileges

  • Mentor and guide other memberships in the community
  • Ensure continued health of subproject
  • Be granted write access to Amoro repos (to be specified)
  • Be listed as an Amoro Committer and featured on the Amoro official website
  • Be awarded an Amoro Committer e-certificate


PMCs are promoted from Committers. They have the authority to merge master branches and are responsible for the planning and maintenance of Amoro. They also are active members in sharing their knowledge with the community.

How to become PMC?

  • Have the ability to deal with project issues promptly
  • Lead project development and iterations, and steer the overall direction of the project
  • Receive at least two PMC nominations and pass voting

Responsibilities and privileges

  • Mentor and guide other memberships in the community
  • Ensure continued health of the project, such as code quality and test coverage
  • Make and approve technical design decisions
  • Define milestones and releases
  • Vote and promote new committers and PMCs
  • Be listed as an Amoro PMC and featured on the Amoro official website
  • Be awarded an Amoro PMC e-certificate